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Yeah but those are no fun because it isnt a big deal to have it. The neogeo nazis say we cant play these games so thats why its a big deal. Kind of like Smoking cigerettes. Also games like SSVSP are the pwnage and deserved to be played on our xbox's :P

nice to hear B)


when can we expect the new patch if you don't mind saying?


..actually...I've been working on 0.87+ MAMEoX...with the latest source code, to get the xbox version up to date with the PC version. Especially, with the recent driver updates in the MAME code...and fixing a few last minute bugs... :naughty:


I'm also working on a source control document, that will help others who want to follow in my footsteps and compile there own updated versions. The MAMEoX source documentation is horrid when it comes to intergrating updated versions of MAME source. I'm trying to make it easier and more documented when 0.88++ is eventually released.


...and of course work/family/travels have stopped some of the easier fbaxxx drivers being added. (I'm spending whatever free-time on MAMEoX). I checked on another board and noticed some great additions of the MS4-5 Plus drivers and other neogeo drivers being updated. If I have time during my Chicago work-trips this week, I'll start compiling a list of additions to my version fba-xxx.


-take care

djohng :)

Posted (edited)

10/14 Thurs 1130pm Central...working from Chicago on my real job.....late night in a hotel...thought I would check the forums....


I should have a new fba-xxx out late Sunday, if I have time to finish the changes over the weekend. I'll start a new thread, so it will be easier to locate the download link. And I'll just include a.xbe...no more patches, unless I get pushback from the forum's moderators. I think it's ridculous since the patch is as large as the.xbe file.


Also on another subject regarding MAMEoX 0.87.....before I jumped on a plane flight early Wed morning...I successfully compiled the new version, and "hand-wrote" the source code changes while fixing a number of compile errors late Tues night. (and then a new version of mame came out Thurs - 87u3...go figure!)


I DID NOT get to test the compiled xbe on my xbox before I left...so I don't know if it works...but the source code changes were minor, so I don't think it shouldn't be a problem...


UPDATE...I tested it on Friday night; there are some issues with the controls on MAMEoX, so I'm reviewing the old source vs. new source to see what actually changed in the mame source...haven't jumped into FBA-XXX since MAMEoX is my priority right now.


-djohng :blink:

Edited by djohng
Posted (edited)

well the problem with fba is by their rule you must share source if you release the xbe but fba team doesn't allow banned games and this has been a big deal as of late in fba-xxx's life that the project has been stopped.


patches tho are fine as it doesn't go by any rules of fba team since it nothing more then hex changes to the current xbe which an option to those who want to do it or not.

Edited by Prican25
Posted (edited)

well, i know 1 dude that just messed his pants... :(





thanx dhjong!!!!!!!!!!



you made me crap myself...ill send you the cleaner's bill




Edited by sammaz
well, i know 1 dude that just messed his pants...  <_<





thanx dhjong!!!!!!!!!!



you made me crap myself...ill send you the cleaner's bill






....damn..I think you should get some serious help......anticipation is gonna kill you....or at least make it pretty messy at your house!


how is it going...?


were there any major problems with updating the mame core?


possible to add 2nd screenshot folder?


thanx again for your dev

Posted (edited)

hey dhjong if you want to pre release for final beta testing here first im sure prican and I would be glad to help...


ill be here tonight :D

Edited by sammaz

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