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  GryphonKlaw said:
Wow...that sucks. Did you transfer a movie using your AOL connection? It seems they are cracking down on it too.

I memmer being a AOLer 2 yrs ago I'd get shiit like that all that TYME and nothing happend


They find this out thru your IP address.

  K`dash said:
I got an email like from my ISP once. One thing, quit using any form kazaa.

I haven't used that in a long time, i've been using shareaza and downloading movies from suprnova.


The MPAA isn't in the dark with Bittorrent. They are quite aware of the bootlegging happening. Microsoft and the RIAA is hot on their trails too, trying to find some loop to shut down sites like that.


Anyone remember Bytemoonsoon? One of the greatest torrent sites before suprnova came along. Cease and desist order shut em down along with the lack of donations and help. Kinda like 4chan. Their was also Microsoft's attack on isohunt of adding a filter to filter out Microsoft products.

Posted (edited)

i'm glad i ditched aol a long time ago and got cable (optimum online). only problem i had with cable was that they didn't like ppl uploading like 24/7 in which they think you are a server so i got capped 3 times within 3 months when they were cracking and one more would've gotten me the boot but thankful that hasn't happened ;)


only thing of aol i use is aim since its free and most of my friends and family use it. msn i have as well but rarely use it.

Edited by Prican25

i hate AOL but i have to use AIM because all my friends are dumb and use it.


1. Get Protowall

2. Use an ISP that is on YOUR side, rather than with the companies trying to flock ya (I have Charter cable; they have faught to keep people's ID's private to the RIAA and such)

3. Firewall up the ass.

4. Use methods that are variant (I use Overnet sometimes, others suprnova)

5. Don't share on P2P. If you want to share, set up FTP's and inform people in appropriate forums (GamingForce is good at this).


The P2P Wise Man Speaketh!




IMO it's stupid how there are ISP's giving out info about users who share and shiit like that, it's bad for business


So if you move to north of the boarder...


And with out 3.0Mbps + DSL lines, it's leetness.

  AntiWinner22 said:
5. Don't share on P2P. If you want to share, set up FTP's and inform people in appropriate forums (GamingForce is good at this).

Yet, P2P can't exist if people don't share. It's about what you share.

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