Diso Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 There was a special Dungeon Siege 2 interview on gamesurge and no one went to it So I decided just to go to it. Here is teh log! Session Start: Wed Sep 08 20:08:08 2004 Session Ident: #SiegeTheDay * Logging #SiegeTheDay to 'logs\#SiegeTheDay.GameSurge.log' <gaviN> Hi, everyone and welcome to the Gas Powered Games Chat! * Wa[R]zZ`LeSS has left #SiegeTheDay * T1-GARRETT has left #SiegeTheDay * moody|blueline[esrever] has left #SiegeTheDay * ht|scoutZor` has left #SiegeTheDay * Eccentricity has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Jeremy> So let me quickly introduce the GPG crew... <[GPG]Jeremy> I'm Jeremy, the Online Producer <[GPG]Jeremy> Bert, Associate Producer <[GPG]Jeremy> Daniel, Designer <[GPG]Jeremy> Kevin, Lead Designer <[GPG]Jeremy> Marsh, Groupie <[GPG]Jeremy> Scott, Web Dev <[GPG]Scott> Everyone probably knows me better by "Bobum" <[GPG]Scott> =) <[GPG]Jeremy> true... nicks are "Snooker" here, "gpfault" for Kevin * [nWo]Darkgod has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * s2k|berzerk has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Jeremy> "GPFault", excuse me * PHEN|j has left #SiegeTheDay * cyba|Myth has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Jeremy>...and with the intros out of the way, let's get to some questions! <[GPG]Scott> and answers! <Razorfish> donjaun asks 'what will the minimum requirements for the game be?' <[GPG]Bert> We targeted minspecs quite a while ago, so there might be some movement once we get the final testing, but... <[GPG]Jeremy> By the way, we won't be able to reply to private messages, sorry. * You-Do-Not-See-This-Name has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Bert> We were looking at 256 Megs RAM, 800 Khz * |-459|zones has quit IRC (Signed off) <[GPG]Bert> Heh, make that Mhz * browneye|Cor1eone-Kf- has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Bert> <done> <gaviN> If anyone has a question for the GPG Staff, please send it to myself(gaviN, Razorfish, or Xaa). Do not PM staff, they will not reply. <[GPG]Kevin> Unfortunately we had to pass on the ColecoVision port. <sjr> Follow up to the specs, what video card specs? <[GPG]Bert> We are pretty solid on 32MB videocard, non-T&L <[GPG]Bert> <done> <Razorfish> WsN-Bruteforce asks 'Is the gameplay going to be similar to Diablo 2, like DS 1 was?' <[GPG]Daniel> Just like Diablo II like the first one? That was a great game, so I'm flattered by the comparison. <[GPG]Daniel> We're definitely going for the same quality of full-on action roleplaying, but DS2 has a number of things that D2 didn't have... <[GPG]Daniel>... parties in multiplayer, pets you can hire to join your party, a deeper story with more interaction with NPCs, improved multiclassing... <[GPG]Daniel>... and a certain favorite: experience sharing! No more level 50 Fighter, level 10 Nature Mage. * DeadJester has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Daniel> <done> * CobaLTlovesRD has left #SiegeTheDay * nco-Molotov has left #SiegeTheDay <Omniscient_Colossus> Daniel: BubbleGom - aka - Elys asks about dedicated server support * psi` has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Daniel> It won't ship with the game. <[GPG]Daniel> We'd love to do it, especially the engineers. <[GPG]Daniel> If it happens, it'll be released on the web after the game is done. <[GPG]Daniel> <done> * [GPG]Marsh has left #SiegeTheDay * Snakeh`AA has left #SiegeTheDay * FinaL[ca]nEg has left #SiegeTheDay * psyyyyyy has quit IRC (Signed off) * Imation^Riz[ABI] has left #SiegeTheDay <sjr> <Isophilly> Hello GPG crew , I would like to know if there is a release date for a playable build(demo) of DS2 - I think they want to know if there will be a demo of DS2 like there was for DS1 * GuyanaMan`pG has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Bert> The playable demo is very likely going to be shortly prior to release. There won't be a demo months before release. <[GPG]Bert> <done> <sjr> <Xaa> Will the modding capabilities of DS2 be identical to DS1, and if not, what will be different? <[GPG]Daniel> Ooh, there's some new stuff I know you guys will like. <[GPG]Jeremy> DS2 will be at least as moddable as DS1. <[GPG]Daniel> For one thing, a lot of the game calculations that were in the engine have been moved to skrit now. <[GPG]Daniel> For example, you can define exactly how combat plays out - how armor effects damage, that sort of thing. <[GPG]Jeremy> <done on mod> <[GPG]Daniel> <yeah, okay, done on mod> <sjr> <[0zzy]> When will DS2 release and what will be the retail price? Will there be any "Collecters Editions"? <Omniscient_Colossus> Sela Aragon asks " Will it be possible to import existing DS1 gmax content into DS2 and will support for3dsmax be added?" * system]_[ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <[GPG]Bert> Not likely on the collector's edition, expect the normal retail price, we aren't going to set any record prices with this one. <[GPG]Bert> <done on pricing> <[GPG]Jeremy> We are talking with discreet about their gmax support. It is still an open question. <[GPG]Jeremy> <done> <gaviN> <odd> To the fans of the original dungeon seige what can we expect for the biggest change/upgrade? <[GPG]Kevin> Fans of the first game will probably most appreciate the significant depth of combat, story, and player choice we added in DS2. Personally I'm a big fan of the pets and the powers, but some players who enjoy a good story will appreciate the work we put into providing a stronger narrative with more compelling characters. <[GPG]Kevin> [done] <sjr> <Chern> Hello GPG, Do you know if Jeremy Soule is doing the musical score? If he is will he use the same themes and styles he used for DS1? <[GPG]Jeremy> I'm a Soule man... <[GPG]Daniel> You're also a Jeremy. <[GPG]Jeremy> dah dah duh, dah dah duh * Mercedes[j`lee]sw has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Bert> We just couldn't do DS2 without Jeremy Soule, he has been cranking out tunes with a radically new setup that he has been building since his work on John Williams and the Harry Potter stuff. * p-hs|Bot has left #SiegeTheDay <sjr> <BubbleGom> Has the map editor has been improved to be more "noob" friendly ? <[GPG]Bert> He won a british Academy award with this setup, so it is sounding quite nice. <[GPG]Bert> <done on JSoule> <sjr> <ryeguy|HaZe> What changes, besides the addition of pets, were added to make the combat in DS2 more compelling? * [evade]-doN has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Kevin> One of the big improvements to SiegeEditor is the addition of our Flick scripting system that should allow modders to implement complex scripting behavior with simple commands that resemble movie-director style stage orders. It should have a much lower entry-bar for those who are a bit less "tekkie". [done] <[GPG]Daniel> Re: combat - The biggest thing I'm enjoying about combat is the new Powers. They're basically big, colorful effects that have an immediate impact on fights. <[GPG]Kevin> And the name "Flick" just sounds cool... <[GPG]Daniel> You have to cool down after using Powers, so you have to choose when to use them. <[GPG]Kevin> :) <Omniscient_Colossus> <mrfocus> Are you guys gonna make it so you can't have a "backpack" hack ? is the code strong enough to prevent such hacks of being made? <[GPG]Daniel> And you have to think about how to develop your characters so your party has the combination of Powers that you want. Because they're REALLY cool when you combo them together. <[GPG]Daniel> Re: backpack - Well, there'll be less need for a backpack hack, because you'll be able to return to town any time. * TAG|marshmellowpuffman has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Daniel> You won't need to hack your gold max either. * [D]izons|PR1ZM has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Daniel> We've been paying attention to what the most common hacks were, and if they're good features, we've addressed them in some way or another. <[GPG]Daniel> <done> * [hamptech]John[mL] has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Kevin> Except for the story hack. That one we had to do on our own. <sjr> <forum question> will the camera still be limited in the angle or will it be freer in range? * [GPG]Jeremy hears Kevin typing furiously. <[GPG]Scott> it's coming.. <[GPG]Jeremy> Kevin's kind of a long-winded fella... <[GPG]Scott> his keyboard is smoking.... <[GPG]Scott> Kevin does nto believe in the return key mid thought... <[GPG]Scott> =) <[GPG]Kevin> In order to preserve the style of Dungeon Siege, we've made small tweaks to the camera in an attempt to strike the best balance between being able to enjoy breathtaking visuals without having to take your focus away from the combat... <[GPG]Kevin> Fans of the first game will feel very much at home with the DS2 camera, but we've taken steps to address many of the common complaints of the DS1 camera such as rooftops that obscure the party. [done] <Omniscient_Colossus> <{18thL}Matanga{MW}> hi, I would like to ask Daniel if they are going to keep the same philosophy of Zonematch for palying Online? <[GPG]Jeremy> palying? is that if you play a paladin? <[GPG]Jeremy> :) <[GPG]Daniel> Well, we'll be using Gamespy for "palying" online. <[GPG]Kevin> I think that's Palading? <Omniscient_Colossus> I think he meant "playing" :P <Omniscient_Colossus> :D <[GPG]Jeremy> We're ALL perfect typers here. <[GPG]Jeremy>;) <[GPG]Daniel> But it'll be the same in the sense that you'll be able to search for games using criteria like character level, pvp options, that sort of thing. <[GPG]Scott> loota good things in the cooker there <[GPG]Scott> err - lotta * DaRkViRuS has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) <[GPG]Daniel> It lets you set up and find games the same way, but you have more options if you want them - it's more powerful. <[GPG]Daniel> [done] <sjr> <Moebius> Is ds2 avaible in located versions (with other lang.). - they want to know if there will be more foriegn language support * [6e]-tonyR has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Bert> DS2 will be performing a simultaneous worldwide release in all languages, something we weren't able to achieve in the first iteration. <[GPG]Bert> <done> <Omniscient_Colossus> <xmen90s> Has the frustum size been increased from dungeon siege 1? <[GPG]Bert> Same as DS1 (45 meters) <sjr> Will the storyline be a continuation of the first game storyline, or will it be entirely seperate? <gaviN> vain|bpex> Whos idea was it to start GPG? Does it take great intelligence to run such a corporation? <[GPG]Daniel> It'll be separate, but not ENTIRELY separate. <[GPG]Daniel> You're a new character (who is AWESOME) in a new adventure, but there's lots of references and things that people who played the first game will recognize. <[GPG]Kevin> The DS2 story takes place on the continent of Aranna about 100 or so years after DS1. <[GPG]Kevin> There are some references to DS1 and more importantly the history long before DS1 took place. <[GPG]Kevin> The story for DS2 will take place, "In a World..." no wait... "In a Land..." Daniel, help me out here. <[GPG]Daniel> In a time... <[GPG]Daniel> In a land before time... * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Kevin> With a Robot Cop! <[GPG]Daniel> You're fired! <[GPG]Jeremy> uh, that's <done> <[GPG]Jeremy> :) <[GPG]Jeremy> Starting GPG was Chris Taylor's idea. His amazing intelligence is vital to our continued success. Sounds a bit (or more) suck-up-ish, but true. <Omniscient_Colossus> ***Please do not PM me with questions*** Thank you :D <[GPG]Scott> next question? * VoodooVane has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Scott> anybody? <[GPG]Scott> anybody? * Omniscient_Colossus is busy with the scrollbar * Jon`` has left #SiegeTheDay <sjr> <forum question> Will there be bigger cities where you can interact more? <[GPG]Bert> The introduction of town portals has allowed us to dramatically increase the size of cities, mostly to accomodate the huge increase in NPC interaction, but also to allow us to portray change over time for the character's actions and choices. It is funny really, our "streaming world" was so important that we forgot to allow non-linear gameplay in DS1. Not anymore, and the story and characters show for it. <[GPG]Daniel> Wow, Bert types fast. * pubmasterFRAILTY|FF has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Bert> <done cities> <Omniscient_Colossus> <CopterGuy> More of a general question, but I was wondering if you could provide some insight to the wanna-be-game-developers out there? Like, what kinds of skills got you guys into GPG, and/or what qualities would you be looking for if you were adding new people to your staff? <[GPG]Daniel> Well, the easy part is that it's good to play a lot of games. <[GPG]Kevin> Passion = key. <[GPG]Kevin> The most valuable asset you can have <[GPG]Daniel> But probably the one thing that helps the most beyond that as far as game design is the ability to write. * [0zzy] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <[GPG]Jeremy> Alcohol tolerance helps. <[GPG]Bert> I would add that there is a ton to be learned from non-game jobs. Don't get too tunnel visioned in what you do. <[GPG]Jeremy> If you can drink Scott under the table, you have earned all of our respect. <[GPG]Kevin> So does a VIP account at Hooter's. <[GPG]Kevin> Y'know... for research. <gaviN> <HG_Byc> How steep will the learning curve be for DS2? Will it be easy to pick up right off the bat or will it take few days to get used to all the options? <Omniscient_Colossus> heh I knew there was something I forgot to do! * |Ex|Xelfer`D has quit IRC (Signed off) <[GPG]Daniel> If you're familiar with DS1, you'll be able to pick DS2 up really quick. <[GPG]Jeremy> Controls are similar. <[GPG]Bert> And if you aren't there is still time! <[GPG]Daniel> Many of the controls are similar, but there's some new stuff to learn about as well. <[GPG]Scott> It's EASY to just jump in and play DS2 though <[GPG]Kevin> We're including an interactive tutorial in DS2 that's threaded very closely with the story as well. <[GPG]Jeremy> We're getting a lot of repeated questions now - so maybe this is a good time to grab a beer and open up the moderation? <[GPG]Daniel> Whoo! Beer! <gaviN> Alright, thank you all for being patient as we fielded your questions. If your question hasn't been answered yet, feel free to ask within the chat now. :) <[GPG]Jeremy> You brought it, right, Daniel? * gaviN sets mode: -m * CaptCommy has joined #SiegeTheDay <CaptCommy> What about chartcer classes? <[GPG]Scott> BEER? * Rabbit has joined #SiegeTheDay <Rabbit> when is beta? <CaptCommy> how many will there be? <CaptCommy> charcter* <[GPG]Kevin> So much so that I wouldn't really call it a "tutorial" per se. * odd has joined #SiegeTheDay <odd> mmm beer <[GPG]Jeremy> Go easy on us :) <Shocked> Will the "drop on death" function be removed from multiplayer? Please tell me it is. * vdeogmer has joined #SiegeTheDay <vdeogmer> lol * [anguish] has joined #SiegeTheDay <[anguish]> AHHHHHHHHHH * Dave_ has joined #SiegeTheDay <Dave_> The first Dungeon Siege became a little repetitive after the first or second time through, how will dungeon siege 2 differ from this? * [anguish] hides * cyba|Myth has joined #SiegeTheDay <cyba|Myth> man none of my questions were answered :( <vdeogmer> amazing how they flock here when moderation is off * sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW has joined #SiegeTheDay <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> put moderation back on, and just voice 1 person * filthychimp has joined #SiegeTheDay <filthychimp> beer? uncultured swine <Shocked> slow down people, and give them some breathing room * D-FENS has joined #SiegeTheDay <D-FENS> moo <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> or whatever * Gimpy has joined #SiegeTheDay <Gimpy> ws <[GPG]Daniel> Same character classes as DS1, but you have a lot more flexibility in how you specialize your characters, so you can make a fire-focused combat mage, or a dual-wielding master fighter. * Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat has joined #SiegeTheDay <Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat> Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be any tools upon releas with the game to help out the modding community? <Omniscient_Colossus> <[anguish]> Will we see different multiplayer modes? Such as CTF? * Tyrae has joined #SiegeTheDay <Tyrae> Holy crap spam - they join with long messages ready <filthychimp> ill have raspberry shnapps, please <[GPG]Scott> Mod tools will be available for download around the time we release DS2. We've not yet determined exactly what tools will be in the package, but you can expect the usual suspects like we saw for DS1. <[GPG]Jeremy> Tools - still under development. More later. :) <Rabbit> When is Beta? * Gorfob has joined #SiegeTheDay <Gorfob> Will you have my babies? <[GPG]Kevin> Drop on Death has been removed. * xeem has joined #SiegeTheDay <xeem> Will there be a linux version of DS2? * ryeguy|HaZe has joined #SiegeTheDay <ryeguy|HaZe> :D <[GPG]Jeremy> Babies - No, sorry. :) * Rabbit prays his question will be seen <Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat> sweet <[GPG]Jeremy> Linux - not planned at this time. <Gimpy> [GPG]Kevin : IM PREGNAT <cyba|Myth> will DS 2 be endless with always something else to fight liek everquest? <Gorfob> Damn <xeem> :( <[GPG]Jeremy> Beta - yet to be announced. <Rabbit> darn <Rabbit> well thanks anyways <Shocked> will DS2 require DS1 to play? <Xaa> Jeremy: I did warn you all about that.;) * HeavenGames_U_K has joined #SiegeTheDay <HeavenGames_U_K> Will there be character interaction during the hack and slash part of the game, instead of only having discussions with NPC characters in town, and when they join your party, they lose all their depth? * [anguish] points to Omniscient_Colossus's question <[anguish]> :O * JavaUser0 has joined #SiegeTheDay <JavaUser0> Have you fixed the fairies or do I need to fix them again? <[GPG]Jeremy> Xaa: true. :) <Gorfob> Thanks for the game the was DS1 boys looking forward to DS2 * WAltZ has joined #SiegeTheDay <WAltZ> uhh <[GPG]Scott> DS2 does spawn random monsters as opposed to DS1 <D-FENS> is microsoft publishing? * [-PRN-]m0rPhEuS is now known as [-PRN-]m0rPhEuS|off * Gorfob has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Jeremy> MS is publishing. * Moebius has joined #SiegeTheDay <Moebius> is there some pvp (arena or so) and guild (houses or so) features ? <[GPG]Bert> DS1 not required <to Shocked> * filthychimp has left #SiegeTheDay (thats my baby) * ryeguy|HaZe has left #SiegeTheDay <Dave_> The first Dungeon Siege became a little repetitive after the first or second time through, how will dungeon siege 2 differ from this? * JavaUser0 is now known as DragonTail <Gimpy> [GPG]Scott : You made the website? <D-FENS> rgr <cyba|Myth> will DS 2 be endless with always something else to fight liek everquest? <[GPG]Scott> some random monsters.... <sjr> <BubbleGom> "Will the Modding tools be released in the retail box, or later on the web ?" * Rabbit has quit IRC (Quit) <_Lurker> sorry if i'm picky. will bows have string on them? <CaptCommy> I'd just like to say thank you all for doing this. First time i've ever seen it, and its quite a nice jesture. Good job to everone on the DS team for braving the hells of IRC :D * |N1Md4| has joined #SiegeTheDay <|N1Md4|> (04:01:15) (@[GPG]Kevin) Drop on Death has been removed. <-------- why? i missed it in other games with PvP <[GPG]Scott> Thanks Commy <Shocked> Can you reveal any more of the pets? <Enigma[nooblet]> Yeah - Thanks guys! <[GPG]Jeremy> CaptCommy - thanks. Fortunately, we only lost Marsh. * eKo|viL`cms has joined #SiegeTheDay <eKo|viL`cms> #eko.cs <3 we trade idlers * eKo|viL`cms has left #SiegeTheDay * InjeX|lovegun|c6 has left #SiegeTheDay * HG_Byc has joined #SiegeTheDay <HG_Byc> How will the game being showing changes throughout the storyline? Will it be done using just different character textures? Can I expect buildings in towns being added/deleted while the story progresses? <cyba|Myth> take care GPG crew <[GPG]Daniel> DS2 will have a LOT more options about how to build your party and what strategies to use in combat, so there'll be a lot more replay value if you start with new parties. There's also more high-level content for fans of Veteran and Elite. <to Dave> <[GPG]Scott> Cya cyba <WAltZ> This is the first time I've ever heard of this game :| <[GPG]Jeremy> HG_Byc: some, yes * Eccentricity has joined #SiegeTheDay <Eccentricity> Will the max level on Dungeon Siege II be upgraded from 150 to a higher level? <Gimpy> [GPG]Scott : ARE YOU MARRIED <Newby> lmao <Omniscient_Colossus> thanks GPG crew! <Moebius> lol <Dave_> thank you Daniel for replying;) <[GPG]Scott> GIMPY : YES <HeavenGames_U_K> Can we expect characters to be developed throughout the story? DS1 had rather "mime" characters. <Newby> Yeah, thanks for answering our questions. :p <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> Will DS2 be ported to the xbox in the near future, since it is a microsoft product? <[GPG]Bert> <To HeavenGames> Party NPCs will no longer become voiceless once they join your party. 80% of their dialog is when they are in the party. <BubbleGom> high level contents, dual wielding... I'm gonna get fun <[GPG]Scott> GIMPY : ARE YOU <Shocked> thanks crew * cyba|Myth has quit IRC (Quit) <Gimpy> [GPG]Scott : SWEEEEEETTTT <Dave_> thanks GPG crew for coming and answering our questions :) * Cynu has joined #SiegeTheDay <Cynu> Will the final level of Dungeon Seige 2 involve defeating oversized poultry (including a rooster which shoots laser beams from his eyes) and a geriatric old man? Or are you guys planning something even more interesting? :) <[GPG]Jeremy> Xbox port - no idea. <Gimpy> [GPG]Scott : NO I PEE THE BED TOO MUCH <Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat> Has the computer requirements been released? <Newby> Haha, yeah, can we kill turtles instead? <Gimpy> [GPG]Scott : NO ONE LIKES ME <Newby> That would totally rule. <HeavenGames_U_K> Awesome. Thanks Bert. <WAltZ> Gimpy, find a room, a real room. <Gimpy> ok <Gimpy> #real <[GPG]Daniel> We're eschewing the poultry for circus animals. <[GPG]Daniel> And cows. <Gimpy> whoa thats a channel <WAltZ> It certainly is. <Newby> circus animals.... LIKE TURTLES? <[GPG]Jeremy> Daniel - Circus COOKIES <Dave_> There is no cow level <Dave_>;x <Newby> Turtles can be funny! <Newby> I think! <Newby> :( <Gimpy> [GPG]Daniel : Any plans for Doom 4? <HG_Byc> Would it be possible for you to elaborate on the aging in DS2, Jeremy? <xeem> How long has DS2 been in development so far? <gaviN> !pwn Gimpy bye * Gimpy was kicked by ChanServ ((gaviN) bye) <[GPG]Scott> dual wielding is VERY cool in DS2 <[GPG]Daniel> (kidding on the circus and cows, BTW) <[anguish]> gavin * Blitzkrieg has joined #SiegeTheDay <Blitzkrieg> How many players can you have in your party ? Does it include pets/packmules ? <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> Will DS2 be ported to the xbox in the near future, since it is a microsoft product? <[anguish]> try !voteofftheisland * Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat gives the GPG crew cookies <[anguish]> it's funnier <gaviN> true <[GPG]Kevin> Shocked> We don't want to spoil the element of discovery with the pets, but keep your eye on the GPG website for info on them in the upcoming months. <Blitzkrieg> How many players can you have in your party ? Does it include pets/packmules ? <gaviN> that'll be next if he comes back and starts up <Blitzkrieg> How many players can you have in your party ? Does it include pets/packmules ? <Blitzkrieg> How many players can you have in your party ? Does it include pets/packmules ? <Blitzkrieg> How many players can you have in your party ? Does it include pets/packmules ? <Blitzkrieg> How many players can you have in your party ? Does it include pets/packmules ? <Newby> lmao <[anguish]> SNAP, there is dual wielding <gaviN> !kb Blitzkrieg * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@188-173.sg.cgocable.ca * Blitzkrieg was kicked by ChanServ ((gaviN) Bye.) <Moebius> I hope ds2 will the interfaces so good like the gameplay;) <Tyrae> lol * Gimpy has joined #SiegeTheDay <Gimpy> gaviN : Sorry * CopterGuy has left #SiegeTheDay <gaviN> it's ok :) <Gimpy> gaviN : I get all excited. * madigan has joined #SiegeTheDay <madigan> 6 players <HeavenGames_U_K> Can we expect a lot more technology advances seeing as the story takes place 100 years later? <gaviN> please keep it civilized * Thrax|away has left #SiegeTheDay <[anguish]> GPG doods Will there be more gun-like wepons? <Gimpy> gaviN : Ok sir. <[anguish]> *weapons <[GPG]Bert> <to hartman and mac questioners> The port conversations have always waited until post-release for us. They tend to do deals based on how they see it recieved in the PC market. That does add quite a bit of delay to the alter-platform releases, but DS1 sold over a million and that is on our track record. <DragonTail> Will it take months to build a map like it does now? <[anguish]> i always wanted a Dragon Revolver <[anguish]> :( <MajoR> !mode -D * ChanServ sets mode: -D+d <Gimpy> :D <Gimpy> =D <HeavenGames_U_K> Can we expect a lot more technology advances seeing as the story takes place 100 years later? * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] has joined #SiegeTheDay * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor <[GPG]Jeremy> DragonTail: Probably. The core node structure is the same. * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor <[GPG]Kevin> Over the course of the game, you will gain the ability to have up to 6 party members (including your main hero and pets) at any given time. <vdeogmer> will there be any way to import a character from DS1, if you really want to? * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor * Dave_ has left #SiegeTheDay <HG_Byc> Will the game incorporate many of the former species saw in DS1: LoA? * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] slapps [GPG]Kevin with a large black censor * Voivod-SM- has joined #SiegeTheDay <Voivod-SM-> lol * [Lem0n]kshot[VM] has quit IRC (Excess Flood) <Newby> Heh, wow, without moderation people get immature as hell. :/ <WAltZ> Are you quite finished yet!?!? <[GPG]Scott> DragonTail - all of that depends on how custom you want to make your map - custom nodes, new art etc all add time <Shocked> How technologically advanced is the world? <Moebius> some people like to play stupic games in the irc ^^ <HG_Byc> If possible, can you respond privately, as I seem to lose your responses :-( <[anguish]> Any more Firearm weapons? <[anguish]> :D :D :D <HeavenGames_U_K> Can we expect a lot more technology advances seeing as the story takes place 100 years later? * Mezu`busy has joined #SiegeTheDay <Mezu`busy> test * Yunchang has joined #SiegeTheDay <Yunchang> Question: Are the Single- and Multiplayer storylines and worlds going to be separate again? <[GPG]Daniel> Who says that technology advances over time? Sometimes the monsters just get bigger... <Killer_Beer_Coaster> Will DS2 have the same no-load-time feature as DS1 in game? <HeavenGames_U_K> heh. <[GPG]Bert> All new monsters in DS2 <to HG_Byc> <|N1Md4|> will there be a party teleport feature to teleport your char to your party members (on multiplayer) <Mezu`busy> Hey you guys should make the graphics better, make the more colorfull, kinda like diablo <DragonTail> Thank you <mcarp> !up <odd> are there going to be areas for us power leveling duders where monsters repawn? <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> will there be more, machine guns or anything? <Mezu`busy> you guys used the same color scheme on everything <Mezu`busy> like weapons <Newby> Have you ever thought of making a MMORPG version of Dungeon Siege? You could rake in some serious cash I'm betting. =P <Mezu`busy> players <Mezu`busy> etc.. <HeavenGames_U_K> Will there be a lot of subquests and such to expand upon the story? <WAltZ> heh <[anguish]> hartmann, i asked that like 4 times and haven't been answered yet <[anguish]> :( <[GPG]Kevin> Well, I gotta get some work done, but thanks to everyone who stopped by. :) <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> lol <Gimpy> BYE KEVIN! <Newby> Thanks for answering our questions! :) <Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat> bye <Gimpy> WE LOVE YOU <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> bai * Mecha has joined #SiegeTheDay <xeem> you all scared them away :/ <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> glhf * JavaUser5 has joined #SiegeTheDay <JavaUser5> will we be able to import chars? <HeavenGames_U_K> Thanks, Kevin. <WAltZ> bye <xeem> cya Kevi <Shocked> I noticed in your trailer had a dragon of some sort attacking a castle, will that be a boss? * Hellabean has joined #SiegeTheDay <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> 4,1will there be more, machine guns or anything? <[GPG]Jeremy> Java: No, not able to import from DS1. <HG_Byc> Thank you for having this IRC chat <[GPG]Daniel> The weapons and armor is DS2 look awesome - some are different than anything I've seen before. The artists are really creative, and a lot of them tie in to the new cultures in the game. * {18thL}Gheron{L} has joined #SiegeTheDay <{18thL}Gheron{L}> how open ended will it be? <HeavenGames_U_K> Will there be a lot of subquests and such to expand upon the story? <JavaUser5> tahnk you <Newby> Ooh, what language is the game coded in? <Yunchang> GPG: Thanks for DS1. Looking forward to the next. * Hellabean has left #SiegeTheDay <Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat> Will this take a fast computer to run? <JavaUser5> thank* * [GPG]Kevin waves * [GPG]Kevin has left #SiegeTheDay * [e5]-Disintegrate has joined #SiegeTheDay <Moebius> was ds1 not designed to make a world with allot of server and player can walk with char from server to server ? <[GPG]Jeremy> Falcon: 800 MHz, 256 RAM, 32 MB video are current min specs * Sancho` has joined #SiegeTheDay <{18thL}Gheron{L}> will we see an editor non programmers can actually understand and use <Straightz-> (Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat): 256 mb ram -- 800 mhz processor <Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat> sweet...thanks * [e5]-Disintegrate has left #SiegeTheDay <[GPG]Jeremy> Moebius: Correct - it wasn't designed for that. <Straightz-> :o <{18thL}Gheron{L}> will there be anything radically different in the gameplay? - the addition of constructable environments, player made spells, armor, potions, etc <Newby> If DS2 is coded in the NET framework, it's gonna be a RAM whore to the nth level. :( <[anguish]> DUAL WIELDING <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> when is a release date for this game? <HG_Byc> What advances in the weaponry and armor can we expect in the graphics department? * [anguish] wields two daggers * [anguish] charges <Yunchang> GPG: Are the Single- and Multiplayer storylines and worlds going to be separate again? <sjr> <[GPG]Jeremy> Falcon: 800 MHz, 256 RAM, 32 MB video are current min specs - so my 6800 OC vc should be able to handle it ;) <[GPG]Jeremy> Harmann: Spring '05 <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> projected rather <Moebius> gut ds2 it is [GPG]Jeremy ? * hydeph has joined #SiegeTheDay <hydeph> hay <hydeph> [anguish] * Killer_Beer_Coaster has left #SiegeTheDay (Ninja vanshish! *poof*) <hydeph> sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> ok <hydeph> sup sup <hydeph> this game sounds leet * Florp_Incarnate has joined #SiegeTheDay <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> word * Nm8|Lone has joined #SiegeTheDay <Nm8|Lone> in DS1 alot of people found it debatable that the game shouldn't have been released that early due to bugs. What do u plan on doing this time to prevent the bugs? <hydeph> they didn't answer my crap tho <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> ja, it is hydeph <[GPG]Daniel> Gheron: Pets, dual wielding, powers, enchantable items... <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> heh * Mecha has left #SiegeTheDay <HeavenGames_U_K> will DS2 feature a nonlinear plotline? <[GPG]Daniel> Lots. * Falconone|ub3rl33tpartyhat has left #SiegeTheDay <Shocked> DO STAFFS AFFECT A MAGES SPELLCASTING ABILITIES INSTEAD OF JUST BEING ANOTHER WEAPON TO SMACK PEOPLE WITH? <WAltZ> Question: Would anyone recommend this game? <Gimpy> Gtg bye scott <Gimpy> good luck with <hydeph> DS1 was fun. <Mezu`busy> yes <Gimpy> you're wife * crit has joined #SiegeTheDay <crit> GPG Scott: What is the GPG Website <[GPG]Daniel> Shocked: Some do. You'll have to look for them, though. <Mezu`busy> its a good game <hydeph> I'd buy DS2. <MajoR> !mode +C * ChanServ sets mode: +C <HG_Byc> Will DS2 be remain similar to DS1 with being more single player oriented? <[anguish]> GPG doods::::: Are the patches still going to be buggy and fail to install and crash the game every other second? My LOA flickers, all the darn time <HeavenGames_U_K> will DS2 feature a nonlinear plotline? <[GPG]Scott> Shaders rule - wait'll you see the water in DS2...everytime I see it I want to go fishing...who's gonna come out with the firs fishing mod? <Eccentricity> http://gaspowered.com <WAltZ> k <Mezu`busy> Just needs better Graphics, more colorfull, kinda like Diablo 2 <DJ-Chewbacca> Why are you developing Dungeon Siege 2 when you could be playing World of Warcraft? <hydeph> Hay, GPG guys, will DS2 have better online netcode and stuff? will it be easier to play online? <Newby> Because not all of us have World of Warcraft. <Newby> And some of us don'tw ant to pay per month. <Newby> Duh :) <hydeph> because DS1 was crappy online. <sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW> hydeph, ttyl. im out <Gimpy> YOU <hydeph> bye bye <Gimpy> hydeph <Gimpy> did you come in #steam ? <Shocked> GOOD LUCK GPG TEAM <odd> are there going to be areas for us power leveling duders where monsters respawn? * Florp_Incarnate has left #SiegeTheDay <|N1Md4|> will there be a party teleport feature to teleport your char to your party members (on multiplayer) <DragonTail> Fishing mod? LoL * i[e]`pdx-pS-`e has quit IRC (Quit: GNITE) * Shocked has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) <HeavenGames_U_K> Can we expect a lot more giant battles, for example, the Queen of the Dragon battle? * sA_Hartmann|ilb|WoW has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) <hydeph> no <hydeph> why <Gimpy> wondering <D-FENS> is the GPG team millionaries? <Gimpy> i reconize you <Eccentricity> lol * [PoA]MeteoR`tcz has joined #SiegeTheDay * precision|M4r0ne`DBM has joined #SiegeTheDay <Gimpy> oh * F^cripple has joined #SiegeTheDay <Gimpy> from #counter-strike <[GPG]Daniel> odd: There will be plenty of support for power leveling - no worries there. Lots of stuff to find at high levels too. <{18thL}Gheron{L}> thanks for your time GPG crew - now - get back to work! :) <hydeph> i'm in #steam-hangout sometimes <mcarp> a valid question went by: will dsII's net code result in less laggy connectivity and play? <odd> cool thanks :D <hydeph> i am right now <hydeph>;/ <[GPG]Scott> and on that note - I think I will get back to work <WAltZ> Oh, what engine powers it? * [YULITL]Module has joined #SiegeTheDay * [YULITL]Module is gone to beD <HG_Byc> Will the DS2 Game engine be able to have large battles similar to that as seen in Lineage 2, with co-operative sieges and large scale battles? <Newby> Question: is the game being developed as you speak to us, or are you stopping development to answer our questions? :P * Nm8|Lone has left #SiegeTheDay <WAltZ> Refractor? Q3? <[GPG]Scott> night all - thanks to SIegeNetwork for hosting & moderating for us!! You guys RULE * neodeadlyrave has joined #SiegeTheDay <odd> [GPG]Scott let me know if you need a junior web designer :D <BubbleGom> Well, before the chat becomes a total mess, I had much much much time and fun playing DS1, and I'm looking forward Dungeon Siege II. Good work ! <[GPG]Daniel> I've got the game open on my other screen right now, and am writing historical text with my other keyboard. <DragonTail> Thanks Scott * Thomastasa has joined #SiegeTheDay <Thomastasa> Good Night <gaviN> damn straight :o <[GPG]Bert> Thank you folks for having us. Keep watching the websites, the screenies and article have only started rolling. <Moebius> what problem are higher in create games......to limited gore or to limited sexual things;) <[GPG]Jeremy> Newby: there are still plenty of people working, but yes - this chat is sucking some resources. :) <hydeph> whurd up * hydeph has left #SiegeTheDay * Yunchang has left #SiegeTheDay <madigan> Thanks Scott GN <Thomastasa> 07It was a pleasure having you over to tlak with us * [GPG]Bert has left #SiegeTheDay <Newby> Haha, sweet. <Newby> :] * Mezu`busy has left #SiegeTheDay <_Lurker> thanks GPG guys, i say good luck but you won't need it;) <[GPG]Daniel> Thanks for coming out, guys. It's great to see so much interest! <Gimpy> Scott, I love your work. <WAltZ> Shall I idle? * F^cripple has left #SiegeTheDay <Newby> Well, good luck developing it! Hope it turns out to be greater then Dungeon Siege 1;D <[GPG]Jeremy> Scott has a fan :) <Gimpy> Scott, ICQ? MSN? Yahoo? <[anguish]> even though none of my questions got answered <[anguish]> :( <WAltZ> Gimpy <WAltZ> Stop <vdeogmer> is that uncommon, jeremy? <[GPG]Jeremy> Anguish: Ask me one <Gimpy> Even dreadful AoL <Eccentricity> Nice Chat Everyone. Thanks to Siegenetwork also! <DragonTail> You all have a fan <Gimpy> sorry <[anguish]> Jeremy, will there be any more gun-ish weapons? <gaviN> guys keep on topic <WAltZ> Np :| <[anguish]> such as the dragon minigun? <sjr> Thanks for coming <Sancho`> Looks like I'm a bit late to this party, woops, is anyone gonna post a log? <[GPG]Jeremy> anguish: I don't know <[anguish]> darn <[anguish]> :| <Gimpy> When can we PM the GPG dudes * CQ|Bot has joined #SiegeTheDay <[anguish]> multiplayer modes like CTF? <[anguish]> :/ <Gimpy> :\ <WAltZ> :| <Gimpy> :Y <[GPG]Jeremy> MP modes - we haven't released our MP features publicly yet <CQ|Bot> :| <[anguish]> CTF in a 3rd person RPG would be l33t <Gimpy> :': * DJ-Chewbacca is now known as Ca[R]nAgE <[anguish]> i would stay up a week straight playing that <[GPG]Jeremy> anguish: I agree :) * Karl`Skizz8in has joined #SiegeTheDay * CQ|Bot has left #SiegeTheDay <[anguish]> and would shrivel up and die before i gave it up * [GPG]Scott has left #SiegeTheDay <Gimpy> NOOO <[anguish]> i read somewhere that DS1 was suppost to have it, but never saw it <Gimpy> NO!!!!1 <DragonTail> I look forward to making maps for it <[anguish]> i cried <[anguish]> :( <Gimpy> JEREMY <[GPG]Jeremy> YES * Karl`Skizz8in has left #SiegeTheDay <Gimpy> TELL HIM TO COME BACK <Gimpy> sorry for caps * Skwerl|SWG has joined #SiegeTheDay <Skwerl|SWG> That would be nipple-rubbage material <[anguish]> Horses and CTF <Gimpy> that would be nubbin <[anguish]> omeg <WAltZ> wt* * odd has left #SiegeTheDay <JavaUser5> I look foward to playing it and your map dtail <DragonTail> will try a remake of the fairy realm, should be nice with new features * [anguish] runs off to the bathroom with some lotion * Ca[R]nAgE is now known as DaScoot <[GPG]Jeremy> Skwerl:... <Moebius> I wish the GPG-team to create a good game. Think on all directions and make yourself a honor, the player knows who makes good games;) <Skwerl|SWG> :D <[GPG]Jeremy> thanks, Moebius, we'll try :) * Sideshow has left #SiegeTheDay <Gimpy> [GPG]Jeremy : What exactly does scott do? website design? <[anguish]> more like Scott ahs a stalker <[anguish]> *ghas <[GPG]Jeremy> Gimpy: yeah, he's my web engineer <[anguish]> *HAS! <vdeogmer> i thought scott just sat around drinking;) <DaScoot> He is a profesional Pimp <Gimpy> [GPG]Jeremy : Nice <[anguish]> have him web engineer me a Dragon Revolver <[anguish]> and GPG will be in my will <[GPG]Jeremy> vdeogmer: definition of a web engr; ) <Thomastasa> 12This Conversation went from a professional talk with makers of a game, to a total mess real fast <HeavenGames_U_K> Question, Jeremy - is the music in DS2 similar to that of DS1, or will there be a large variance? <[anguish]> :D <Gimpy> [GPG]Jeremy : I'm a wbesite designer that's why I was interested in him. <Newby> Well, no crap it did. :| <DaScoot> Welcome to IRC Tham <DaScoot> Thom <Newby> Exactly. <[GPG]Jeremy> Gimpy: We're hiring - check out www.gaspowered.com/jobs <DaScoot> that's why you moderate <Thomastasa> cool <JavaUser5> one question is there a way to make a multi summon for a hero with building a skrit? <Gimpy> [GPG]Jeremy : I don't wanna job. <Newby> If it's on IRC and it's not moderated, it isn't gonna go anywhere. <[anguish]> man, the DS1 music.......woooo <[anguish]> loved that stuff <Thomastasa> too bad im not in washington <Gimpy> [GPG]Jeremy : I just wanted his techniques and stuff. * DaScoot has left #SiegeTheDay <Moebius> i stay in some bigger channels Thomastasa....just dont spam <[GPG]Jeremy> Gimpy: Those are my secrets! MINE * SM-DJGTA|Gaming has joined #SiegeTheDay * SM-DJGTA|Gaming has left #SiegeTheDay <Skwerl|SWG> Yeah, don't spam and don't talk about nipple rubbage, right? * souleh` has joined #SiegeTheDay <[anguish]> jeremy, could you put a word in for a Pistol? Dual wielding funky-style pistols <[anguish]> man <[anguish]> i would so love that <Gimpy> [GPG]Jeremy : Indeed. <[anguish]> i would be leik OEMG MEIN <[GPG]Jeremy> okay, folks - I'm out of here too. time to go home :) <mcarp> seeing as howyou ARE hiring i wonder why its impossible to get anyone at gpg to tell me whether my material at http://www.mcarp.org/reel/ is horrid or decent or if they'd ever be interested in my work in the future. <[GPG]Jeremy> Thanks for coming! <[anguish]> later Jeremy <vdeogmer> good bye <[GPG]Daniel> Yup. Night, folks! <[anguish]> don't forget <[anguish]> PISTOLS! <[anguish]> :O <DragonTail> goodnight and thanks <Newby> haha. <Newby> yah. <Newby> Bye! * [GPG]Daniel has quit IRC (Quit) <Moebius> sometimes i wishes a limit of IQ and Age for some things;) * Expo|hw has left #SiegeTheDay <Gimpy> [22:16] <Gimpy> laters <Gimpy> [22:16] <Gimpy> nice to talk to ya * Tyrae has left #SiegeTheDay <Newby> I'll purchase DS2 the day it comes out. :p <[anguish]> if i still have a job, i'll do that too <[anguish]> :x <Newby> Haha. :p <JavaUser5> goodnight <WAltZ> I'll read about it, and then, maybe purchase it. * DragonTail has left #SiegeTheDay <Moebius> Jeremy....is it possible to win a DS2;) * crit has left #SiegeTheDay <Newby> I liked DS, DS2 should be worth purchasing >:P * [GPG]Jeremy has quit IRC (Quit) <D-FENS> i want to give the GPG team my hard earned money! <[anguish]> DS gave me wet dreams <Moebius> now its gone;) <[anguish]> specially when i finally got a dragon minigun online <WAltZ> So far, from what I've seen here, looks promising. <[anguish]> i was leik OMEG PHEER ME <mcarp> i guess the answer to that question is no <Newby> I played DS a lot when my parents went through their divorce. * Melnok has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) <WAltZ> hmm <gaviN> way to go guys <Newby> It was fun sitting upstairs for 10 hours a day trying to beat the game in the hardest difficulty with half a party + 4 mules. <gaviN> yyou broke my bot * {18thL}Matanga{MW} has joined #SiegeTheDay <vdeogmer> poor bot :( <WAltZ> haha <[anguish]> mules ruled <gaviN> >:/ <mcarp> great bot code! impressive * Gimpy has left #SiegeTheDay <Newby> What language is the bot in? :p <gaviN> yea.. took me all afternoon <WAltZ> Implement some DLLs <gaviN> english :o <Newby> Sweet. <[anguish]> lolol <Newby> "BOT, CONNECT TO IRC" <WAltZ> that'll fix the problem <[anguish]> do it in arabic! <D-FENS> does the bot speak ebonic? * WeezerFan has left #SiegeTheDay <gaviN> of course * JavaUser5 has quit IRC (Quit: GameSurge - The Next Step in the Evolution of Gaming IRC) <D-FENS> cool <vdeogmer> hmm <vdeogmer> which bot was that anyway?;) <gaviN> well everyone, thanks for coming <gaviN> it was [GPG]Jeremy <WAltZ> our pleasure <[anguish]> pootie tang! <vdeogmer> ah, right <D-FENS> only reason i am here is because i got spammed by gamesurge <gaviN> worked well for the most part <Newby> I heard mIRC beep twice, went to see if I was being disconnected, saw the notice, and thought to myself "Meh, won't hurt, /join #siegetheday" * [PP]`Horny has joined #SiegeTheDay <Newby> So really, thanks to whoever broadcasted it. :P <WAltZ> hey me too;) * {18thL}Gheron{L} has left #SiegeTheDay <gaviN> Thanks for coming everyone, I hope you all enjoyed the chat. <D-FENS> oh it beeps? * Enigma[nooblet] is now known as dumbass <mcarp> so thats why we had spam join/parts eh? <D-FENS> i never use sound <vdeogmer> oh <gaviN> Brought to you by the folks at www.siegenetwork.com <vdeogmer> so that's what those beeps were x( <WAltZ> I wouldn't know... my sound systems are not connected to the PC atm. * dumbass has left #SiegeTheDay (This pain is just too real...) <D-FENS> in windows i mean <Skwerl|SWG> I B outy. * [PP]`Horny has left #SiegeTheDay <Skwerl|SWG> Piece, love, and automatic fire * Masta_Miku[LOTR] has joined #SiegeTheDay * Skwerl|SWG has left #SiegeTheDay <mcarp> im terribly disappointed in this chat personnally. <WAltZ> heh * Masta_Miku[LOTR] has left #SiegeTheDay * sjr has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <gaviN> why's that <D-FENS> well why dont you cry about it? <Newby> The chat wasn't as bad as I thought it would be while unmoderated. <mcarp> not worth it d <xmen90s> gimme my op back ! <Newby> Infact, I was expecting retards to come in and spam like crazy. <D-FENS> ok * SixWings has joined #SiegeTheDay <mcarp> we previously had a dev chat where ppl were +v'd one at a time <mcarp> what happened to that idea? * Sancho` has left #SiegeTheDay (Weeeeeeee!) <WAltZ> mcarp your reasoning is invalid... this chat was informative _and_ entertaining. <vdeogmer> stupid people <Xaa> +0 xmen90s <BubbleGom> lol <mcarp> i didnt give any reasoning WAltZ. <gaviN> mcarp, we had about 160 people <Xaa> +oo xmen90s mcarp <gaviN> that's a long time to wait * Omniscient_Colossus sets mode: +o xmen90s * ChanServ sets mode: -o xmen90s <gaviN> we did it the best we could * [^p]Vass|STA has joined #SiegeTheDay <gaviN> with the time we had <xmen90s> !up <xmen90s> bag <BubbleGom> lol <xmen90s> *bah <Xaa> +oo mcarp * [^p]Vass|STA has left #SiegeTheDay * neodeadlyrave has left #SiegeTheDay <gaviN> !addop xmen90s <mcarp> ive lived on this channel for a year. xmen has done the same. and yet we were deopped for this fiasco <BubbleGom> +.+ xmen90s <gaviN> !addop mcarp <gaviN> it was just for the chat <BubbleGom> o.O xmen90s <vdeogmer> only a year? <D-FENS> yeah me too <vdeogmer> and you're complaining about not having ops? <gaviN> unless you were going to help out * t-b0ne1H[svz] has joined #SiegeTheDay <t-b0ne1H[svz]> !info <WAltZ> that's not fair :| <gaviN> we didn't want everyone being bombbarded by PM's * SixWings has left #SiegeTheDay <mcarp> and out of # of ppl xmen and i were not trusted to be non-spammers/ <gaviN> sorry it was such an inconvenience <gaviN> it was to save you from the PMs <gaviN> !resync * ChanServ sets mode: -ovo+oo MajoR MajoR Xaa mcarp xmen90s <mcarp> i can save me from pm's sorry <Omniscient_Colossus> mcarp why are you getting so bent about @? It seems unlike you * xeem has left #SiegeTheDay (Leaving) <mcarp> sorry....i just have a whole gpg doesnt notice me complex that goes on and on Session Close: Wed Sep 08 21:24:21 2004
Gryph Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 Jesus flocking Christ that's long!! I hope its better than DS1...that was such a boring game after 2 hours of gameplay...but I still played all the way through. I saw a video interview with Chris Taylor where he said this game is going to be much more than a point and click game.
Agozer Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 Christ that's long... Is there no way to narrow it down?
Diso Posted September 9, 2004 Author Posted September 9, 2004 Christ that's long... Is there no way to narrow it down?nope. Thats how long the interview was. I could try editing it for you guys but thats it.
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