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you can find anything here... YES ITS TRUE!!!!


good luck.. you'll have to find an already-modded system because all saturn modchips are likely out of production....


whaddaya need a saturn for anyway? :D


In my experience the price of a pre-modded Saturn is approx 3-5 times that of a standard one. Simply purchase a MK2 model ( with rounded buttons ) then purchase a mod chip, which are still freely available. Mr Cinder's site here, still stocks them I think.


As far as 'what do you want a Saturn for?'. The same reason that you want the ps2/xbox/gc or whatever.


To play games!! :naughty:


saturn bad ___.You've never played guardian heroes.dragon force,die hard,or any other saturn classics have you.Thanks fellas.I actuallt have 2 saturn and 2 21 pin mod chips.The sodering is just so rediculous to get right its almost not worth thr trouble.Both saturn happen to have the 64 chip so i wanted one already done and tested oh well I'll keep looking.Yes ebay doesn't sell a modded saturn.Atleast at the moment they don'tThank you fellas for taking the time to help me out.I hope I can return the favor one day.Any other helpful suggestions will be appreciated.


Modding a 64 chip is not hard, I did mine myself. This is what you have to do:


Reconnect the blue wire back to the chip, see attached pic. This basically means you will not have to solder to the saturn chip at all (you can also not use the wire and simply brifge the 2 points on the chip). All you have to do now its to connect the red wire to the 5v powersupply (check in the saturn, there can be up to 4 places in a row you can put it in, but only 1 of them is the 5v), and you have to take the ribbon cable out of the place where it is now, insert it in the chip and the chip in the saturn where the ribbon cable was.


The only annoying thing is that with 64 chip saturns the ribbon cable will be twisted, you have to untwist it and since it will only work when inserted in the chip with 1 side up it will have to go over the chip, it's a tight fit, but it will work.


For further info see Sega Xtreme. Note, the porblem he speaks about at the end has never occured for me and I did basically exactly what he did.


Lastly, I bought my chip from Jandaman.

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