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As most of you know the revised P1 for Samurai Shodown V special (CRC32 07E9E5CA) that allows for the use of the Zetsumei Ougi is a hack.


Using kawaks 1.46, it's evident that the "insert coin" message has been altered to say"www.ff18.com". The initial point for the Mu no Kyochi meter has moved from 15% to 50% of the life bar, and there are unspecified errors with the BCD slowmotion Mu no Kyochi.


the question is, is anyone good enough at hex editing to take a crack at fixing these? if i didn't suck so much i'd try it myself. Who's up to the challenge? maybe james...


good luck. :punk:


Our friend Kryso, of Chankast Utilities fame, is the man behind this. www.ff18.com is his site. Keep up the good work Kryso. :punk:


really? then why did he feel the need to add his personal touches to the revised rom? will he release a proper one?


It's just a small touch. Nothing to fret about.

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