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Gogo finally released it! Still, KI2 is going to play slow and its fatalities may crash the game. The Move list is implemented, but you'll have to make them. Anyone want to?

Get KI-XXX.rar frm IRC's #Xbins now! ;)

I'll be testin this new veriosn of KI-XXX EMU tonight and report back my findings!

Posted (edited)

well...i am thinking that this will be the last big effort to get ki2 running faster....i have to accept now that ki2 just wont be playable....


but i heard some good news today about the zinc 1.0 emulator release...apparently there will be a 1.0 release this week and sources will be included...so maybe we can get this source and maybe see zinc emu on xbox ;)


the final gamelist is here -->



Edited by sammaz

i highly doubt zinc will be that much playable since most of those games need more memory and a better cpu.


ki2 needs a better cpu so unless you're willing to go for the 1.4 cpu upgrade from friendtech, thats the fastest it will go.


Is there a way to just make KI2 play Combo, Kim Wu, and Gargos stages only?? Those are the only 3 that run at 60fps. I know u can put in the codes for those stages but that only works on multiplayer.

ITS KI-XXX, thats what it was called when I downloaded it, untill Gogo says different, I'll call it KI-XXX. Thank you very much... ;)

Instead of wasting your time throwing a hissy fit, how about telling us what its like? Have you tried it out?

Posted (edited)

Its been called U64-XXX since wip's of it were around and even gogo called it that in his forums when he announced it. either way its the same thing


i personally could careless about it as the wip's of it was better as i read so i suggest stick to the original as it doesn't slowdown the game untill he fixes the prob if its possible (lantus has said thats the reason why he never added filters)


even more of a reason to say U64-XXX, load up the emu read what it says on top :P

Edited by Prican25
Posted (edited)

Gosh, can't take a little joke.. :lol:

I played KI-XXX/U64X-XXX/Gogo's WIP release and I didnt notice any slowdown in KI1. I liked some of the video filters, although none of them are really any good on my XBOX to Infocus-X1 DLP projector running the EMU in 480P mode on a 100" screen. OOh Well.. Maybe if Gogo adds a cheat option for KI1 & KI2 with the ability to select stage to always fight on and music to always hear and someone to add the move list, then I'd have no big problems with a slow KI2.

Played KI1, beat Eyedol, credits scrollin and EMU hangs the whole XBOX. dammit.

PLayed KI2, beat Gargos, I stil have more fun with KI2 than I did with KI1.. I just like Jaho better in KI2 and Saberwulf in KI2.. Ooh well, to each their own. :P

Edited by axledentaldj

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