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Posted (edited)

Final Roster for Capcom Fighting Jam (Capcom Fighting Evolution outside of Japan) (Arcade / TBA Japan)


Street Fighter Zero: Guy, Karin, Rose, Sakura

Street Fighter II: Ryu, Guile, Vega (M.Bison), Zangief, Gouki (Boss)

Vampire Savoir: Dimitri, Felica, Anakaris, Jedah

Street Fighter III - Third Strike: Alex, Yun, Chun-Li, Urien

Warzards: Hauzer, Leo, Nool, Muruko(Kanji)

Bosses: Pryon, Shin Gouki

Console Only Playable (Hidden Characters)(PS2-Xbox / 8/10 Japan)

Shin Gouki



For full gameplay & character information head over to SRK and read thread. DT gives out the full lo` down on the release candidate PS2 build. (Offline for some reason)


Each character execpt for Ingrid, Dimitri and Alex(these characters have 3), has 2 Specials.

The game looks like CVS2/SF3, and plays like CVS1/CVSPro. Which means footsies is back in.

All DS and 3s characters retain their EX-able properties.

3s Characters have 2 S.A. (execpt for Alex) and has 2 stocks each, and Parry.

Urien's Agaris Refelctor Unblockables are gone!

DS Characters can Tech-Hit and Tech-Throw, Anakaris doesn't have a throw, but he has a tech-throw by doing 6+JAB

DS + 3s + Warzards Characters can dash.

SFII & SFZ characters cannon dash, but their walking speed is faster.

Throwing is 3s style (Jab + Low Kick)


For more info check out the link to the thread over at SRK.


Neo-Geo Battle Collisume website has been updated (Why happen to SNKP's annual Thursday updates?)

b_yuki.gifb_ai.gif b_kim.gifb_tung.gif

b_asura.gif b_hanzo.gifb_fuma.gif

Release date is current 12/??/2004 (Yes, THIS December 2004).

Edited by K`dash
Posted (edited)

Oh man! You are loving this game! :lol:


Things that I think are great:


Jedah and Demitri from Vampire, Alex from SF3, the inclusion of Rose and Vega, and the fact that they at least brought a more hardcore Capcom game into the fray with Warzard/Red Earth.


Things that I hate:


Associating Chun-Li with SF3 instead of 2, Including the awful looking Ingrid instead of Rook, DD or Haggar, making it look like CVS.


Things that I think are almost genius:


Bringing Pyron back as a god like power dude (mega last boss like Shin Gouki).




There you go. Still not very anxious to get hold of the game, but it sounds 10 times better than it first did back at E3.


Thanks K'dude :D

Edited by shin_nihon_kikaku
Posted (edited)

both games look good , its too bad neogeo battle colisium doesnt come out for any home consoles ;)

Edited by madienmasher

for CFJ(E), i like how each game set characters have diferent abilities....like DS can dash and SF cant but can walk faster and so on...good balances...mediocre roster compared to snk's but still sounds like a doozy...


Ah jedah and pyron the only real reason i would play this game

isnt it strange that the street fighter chars seem lackluster or just dahm boring

i found red earth an intresting addition but no jojo characters ;)


I think if capcom made capcom all starz and made it look like doa3 and be cool and fluid it would have still been in production 4 heavens sake it look like street fighter ex 3


Capcom doesn't have rights to Jojo. Thats why no Jojo.


no running ability ? :o man I thought I can do some fun rushdowns with this game as well. :)


WORLD HERO's! man thats soo dope! I love FUMA!!! hahaha that move were he throws himself like a frisbe! haha and Tung Fu Rue!!! thats gonna be cool if he can shapeshift like in old school, i wonder how long it will take for this game to come out for PS2 in japan

  KyokugenKiss said:
WORLD HERO's! man thats soo dope! I love FUMA!!! hahaha that move were he throws himself like a frisbe!

At last, someone else who likes World Heroes! I know it wasn't one of the best ever 2D fighters, but I found it very fun to play.


Finishing WH Perfect in the arcades with Erick and Rasputin. great stuff! :o

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