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I changed the title since FF4 isn't Fantastic 4 and people would get confused. But Jessica Alba is in it so it can't be that bad...she is teh hot.


I can't wait to hear the butchered up line.




oh yeah ff4 means final fantasy 4 whoops but still the thing what the hell o saw a concept which looked right this aint it this is crap he looks like he has a bad rash

geez they cant get things right i jut hope iron man isnt so bad off

i now know im going to watch this movie with fear and hatred

geez man dammit why why why

:thumbsu: burn hollywood :lol:

I changed the title since FF4 isn't Fantastic 4 and people would get confused. But Jessica Alba is in it so it can't be that bad...she is teh hot.

Tell me about it...


I didn't click the topic before because I wasn't that excited about seeing Final Fantasy 4 pictures....


Thing looks ridiculous....and Alba looks hot. Mr. Fantastic looks too young and Human Torch looks slightly gay.

:thumbsu: burn hollywood  :lol:

Hardly, just because a few super hero movies are sh!t, doesn't mean Hollywood on a whole is bad.


i think they look lame...Jessica ALba...ill jus say it and im sure ill get flamed for it....i dont think shes hot..


isnt the fantastic four consisting of 2 somewhat middle aged people, a young rebelious type guy and well, the THING. doesnt this look a lil off?


yes, *CHANTS* *DRUMBEAT* :thumbsu:


i throw these sacrafices into the fire..everything after Batman Return, Street FIghter, X-men 1, and Daredevil....soon Fantastic Four...


yay more superhero movies, personally i think i liked The Punisher the best so far because The Punisher was badass and there was awsome scenes of violence, and is it just me, or is the DVD alot different from the theatrical version? i recognize a lot of lines being changed, like when the punisher gives the kid the bomb to hold with the outstreched arm, in theatres it ended with "Isnt psysics fun?" or something like that, in the DVD they cut that out, and he just leaves it at, "I love a good workout" and thats just a tiny example

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