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I know alot of people use the rpg maker or at least heard of it

it was made by a japanese company enterbrain and is a very useful program

that creates rpg's with simple programming variables

recently someone made a zelda game which is very impressive real time battles

and now there bringing out rpg maker xp

so what i am proposing is a section devoted to developers such as me and other rpg maker hooligans to discuss share and create games with this powerfull tool

hey maybe a multiplayer game featuring moderators of 1 emulation can be made,

yes rpg maker can make multiplayer games, but not online multiplayer, not yet anyways, just consider it maybe a poll would be a good place to start for people such as i who want this. :lol:


Well its true that there's already a lot of forum subjects already

but rpg maker does not suck it is actually very dynamic and random turn based battles are not necessary as people found ways of making a real time battle system its preety cool if you know what your doing.

And games can be made to distribute to others which i find really cool.

Have you even used it

im currently using rpg maker 2k3 version


Is there an English version of the latest one? I used to use it and it was pretty fun though I got bored of making my RPG. If I had time, I could probably make a go at it since I'm bored with all the games I have now.


Until it's offically supported by an english dev, I won't be using it.


hey i use an english 2k3 version but i think its a hack, im not to sure if it real or not but i have no engrish problems all things are well made and i have a half ass rpg already made with real time battles the only problem is with the coding if i kill one enemy on screen everything dies, i woner why!!!!


So there is an english version out there, i read somewhere that some english company imported it still im not to sure.

But it has been full translated and no bugs if updated to v1.08

i might put the sight up where i found it if i find that site again


I've made small tech demo rpg with past versions. But with this new one I feel like trying it, but don't want any hacks or files or anything like that, I want a fully support english release and if there is such a thing, I will buy it.


Cuz with hacks and all, if they release a new patch for it, it may run a crc check to check if your exe isn't modified. Like what Watanabe did with ReAct 2.004


Well im not sure about all that stuff but i do know that the size of the originating file is the same to the one that is legit and it did come in english even the help file, except for the title screen, ;) oh wait its a translation by rpg advocate dang.

I guess you guys wont use it then, but why?? it has no weird glitches and is a fully functional product, maybe when i finish a short game i would post a link for you guys to play for yourselves and see how great it is.


I thought though they brought out an english version!! how strange


um gryph is it ok if i pm you the site

they seem to also a half translated 2k5 version aka xp on the site go figure

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