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well i picked up my copy of MK:D for the ps2...and i am quite pleased with the product. the fighting game of course is awesome. loads of interesting combos to remember and the fatalities and suicides are pretty entertaining. :) i love the environments and i love how it can effect the outcome of the match. the death traps are pretty fun and its not really cheap either. it takes a while to pin your oppnent into the trappin area so thats good. roster is nice as well. noob-smoke totally owns in this game.


kombat chess is nothing like chess i believe. it has its own set of rules and everythin. ive tried it a couple times and ive yet to understand the whole game. its a nice little bonus though. it looks fun enough once u get the hang of it.


puzzle kombat is pretty much a sick rip-off of super puzzle fighter turbo so nothing new there. but the lil characters are hilarious and just like their daddy fighting game, blood and gore. i liked this part of the game bc its fun and its a nice break from fighting.


komquest is boring. its good for those who are like totally clueless to the game, so the tutorial helps a bit. (it helped me with combo-breakers and stuff) i guess its an interesting concept but if this game were to be released on its own, the komquest would be a terrible rpg adventure game. but since its just another way to collect things and to unlock other bonuses like stages and characters, then komquest aint all that bad. but game wise, komquest is the worse thing out of the whole product.


so far, i really like what i got. im sure once i get the hang of the mechanics, im sure this game would totally kick ass. the combo system is wonderful, and its really refreshing to see classic characterrs and stages from MK2 and 3. other than mk 2 and 3, Deception would totally be in the top of my favorite MK game list.


anyone else purchased the game? any thoughts or comments? :)


Gonna wait for the Gamecube version - More stuff then you can shake a stick at. No onlineplay, but yeah.


gonna buy it tommrow with guilty gear xx reload :) , damn it now i wish i had high speed :) online play is suppose to be quite smooth


I picked it up today and I'm loving it. I also like the combo system and the breakers. I haven't really played much of the other modes but I did play a few games online which is an awesome feature. The multi-tiered stages are great. I love the death traps and the weapons in the stages. Death traps can turn a game around too, for instance, you are getting the crap beat out of you and you are already down a round. If you knock them into a death trap, boom, you're even now. I think this game is great.

  Prican25 said:
by any chance, did you get the collecters edition? just wondering how good of a port they did for mk1.


i actually did not and as far as i kno, i didnt see any offers for the special edition other than online shopping. but if it was there, i wouldnt have gotten it anyways bc im not a big enough fan of MK to pay an extra 10 bucks to get somethin i prolly wont touch. i already got it on mame so not much left to say bout that...i do love to covers though. very cool...


I just borrowed this game from work and am gonna give it a spin as soon as I get the chance. Nice to see the boards back up. All these new layouts are going to take a while to get used to thou. :(


Im still waiting for MK to go 2d, thats what made it soo great to begin with

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