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After 3 years I will move to the capital to study and I will start learning Taoism there...
These days I'm constantly picking fights with any dude I meet but they don't degenerate enough to get to the hitting part(I do know I will prolly get beaten most of the time but I don't care I just wanna fight)


At this rate, you need to start on Taoism as soon as possible. :)


Seriously though, fighting is a great way to excercise mind, body, and spirit, but picking fights with just anybody is dumb. Join a team if you're in school, or find a dojo for something, and focus on discipline for a while until you can control urges like this. Any respectable fighter knows that to avoid an unecessary fight is better than to have won it.



Also, consider what Fatal Rose said. You have to decide whether you want to learn a particular art to compete within that art, such as TKD sparring or competetive Judo, or if you want to try and become a mixed-art fighter, which will make a different style, or combination of styles, more effective. There's nothing wrong with either approach, it's just a personal decision. You'll want to find a dojo/school that matches the approach you want to take.

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Wow, I never know Fatal can really fight! :naughty:

Anyway, I have no comments on your actions.

The only thing is just be careful not to land yourself in jail :)

I only fight not more than 5 times in my whole life and I lose everytime :D (except for one karate competition B))


heh with my connections the cops can't even do as much as spit in my direction bahahaha.....


romanian school's suck they don't have any kind of wrestling or any other type of fighting branches for that matter....


also consider the tiny number of any kind of fighting style dojo in the country, bcuz it being a sucky country I can't aford to be picky... (only one taosim dojo in the hole country and it's in the capital which's 170 miles away from my city...


about a mixed style I would have voted for tae kwon do + kapoeira but there's no chance in that happening in this country and I can't exactly emigrate just for a fighting style...


also note I can't do crap with my fists since the right hand I cut my wrists 2 years ago and it basically reduced it's power to a quarter... and the left hand I operated the index finger and it's higly probable to snap... my fists where already weak for the start anyway so I saty with the legs-only style plus I have a great balance and awesome reflexes most of the time


Imma take up swimming as a by-sport bcuz I just love water...


get some books, you can always start of self-trained with little guidence, i would reccomend almost any book written by Benny Urquidez and the Tao of Jeet Kune do

Posted (edited)

I wish i knew you, because certainly i would fight you!!, unfortunatly i am watching my Astros play right now, damn an rbi single for the Cards!!! score now 4 to 3, oh well if the Astros lose, i will certainly be furious enought to fight you.

Edited by Texas

I deleted that post for you. :( One of the perks of being a mod now is that I can get rid of unsightly double posts. :)


Just makesure that guy you start to attempt fighting doesn't pull a gun and shoot you in the leg. Otherwise, that's the spirit! :):(

Just makesure that guy you start to attempt fighting doesn't pull a gun and shoot you in the leg. Otherwise, that's the spirit! :);)


A quality advice from our resident evil Mr. Karate :(

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