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Some Inteeresting Stats


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As an avid reader of Edge Magazine ( the gaming bible) and all this talk of which console is best. I remembered a lonely individual with to much time on his hands, who went through all issues from 1 to 136, collating all scores for all games on all platforms to find which Edge rated highest. This only goes as far back as saturn as that was when the Mag started, but here are the findings.


CONSOLE Average Score


N64 6.91

Saturn 6.80

Playstation 6.62

Dreamcast 6.41

GBA 6.32

Gamecube 6.13

Playstaion 2 6.12

Xbox 5.94


So they rate the N64 as the best console.


However when the same was done for console manufacturers and the games they released the results were:


CONSOLE Average Score


Sega 6.62

Nintendo 6.50

Sony 6.37

Microsoft 5.94


So Sega it seems produce the better games.


Another point of interest is that thee average score for PC games was 6.95. Higher than any of the consoles.


Sorry if that dragged on but thought you night be interested.

Oh forgot Edge scores games out of ten.

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Hahaha...XBOX is last, sweet. Bust rest assured, if that magazine was old enough for NES and SNES, Nintendo would definitely be on top. :)

On a somewhat related note, Nintendo Power was the best damn magazine in the early -- mid 90's.

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ever since Rob from PC Gamer started working on Xbox Magazine, it has suddenly become...cool...i used to buy it just for the demo discs, but i actually read it now.


I still like PC gamer as best mag ever though. Alot of mags as you mentioned have went little kiddish, with all the reader art being submitted and stuff thats drawn with crayons...

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