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i want to know what cause this


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I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but I'm guessing you're talking about clipping issues, as apparent on the bottom left side of the guy's jacket in your first screenshot.


It's not as complex as it might at first seem. Basically, the 3D model isn't a real, solid object like a person or jacket would be in real life. Most models in games have collision coded between themselves and other objects, so the player can't walk through walls and things can bounce off of them, etc. However, there's usually no collision WITHIN a particular object.


This means parts of that model can pass freely through other parts of the same model, attached models like clothes, or even other independent objects in some cases (see Soul Calibur for many examples). At this point, it's mainly up to the animators to make sure parts don't overlap.


When there are interchangeable parts to a character, especially in the case of "accessories" like clothes that you can swap, parts are usually just attached to the main model at a fixed number of points. At those points, the "accessory" will move with the main model, and at other points the "accessory" is allowed to move of its own accord. Since, aside from the fixed points, there is no collision between the main model and any accessories, long and flowing or big and bulky accessories will often overlap with their main model. This goes for other things too, like hands and arms, which aren't usually given their own collision, just handled as part of the main object's collision. When they stick out of the "solid" box or radius that holds the main model, they can pass through thing like they aren't even there.


Hope that's what you were talking about. If not, sorry for the rant. :)

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