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Bush is not reinstating the draft. The Democrats put out a fake email to college students by scaring them with false facts that if Bush stays in office then they will get drafted.

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Bush is not reinstating the draft. The Democrats put out a fake email to college students by scaring them with false facts that if Bush stays in office then they will get drafted.


Exactly what I've been saying, getting ignorant kids to vote liberal with scare tactics.


Ranbom Guy: You have ignored all the facts I have given you. Do you even know what a retention rate is? It's soldiers staying in the army. Some of the people who get injured and go home, yes they do go home, want to go back. Maybe down in Australia you guys don't have that companionship, but we Americans do. Whine all you want.


Propaganga numbers? Neh. False. American wounded troops adds up to around 7,000 Even our wounded troops can't possibly add up to the people that Saddam killed in his 25 year reign.


Random Guy: I'll say it again. You aren't American, so stay out of it.

No Body count

1,000 casualities and only 7,000 wounded is unheard of in war.

Only 7,000 injured. And all branches are exceeding 100% of their recruitment goals, and all branches are experiencing all-time highs in retention rates.

I'm not sure about you Australians, but America does not need a draft with those statistics.


And we didn't go in for Oil.

Our (America's) GDP is almost 12 trillion dollars. You have to add the next six nations (Japan, UK, Germany, Italy, france and China) to roughly equal America's alone. What is Iraq's GDP? 18 billion. America produces that much (18 billion) every 14 hours! Our GDP is around 6,000 times the size of Iraq's. The coalition needs 4 billion per month for operations, supplies and reconstruction. According to the "No Oil For Blood" paranoid crowd, we'd therefore be spending 4 billion per month for 1.5 billion in oil. We've spent in excess of 300 billion dollars which would dictate we wait 15 years to get our money back (and thats just considering what we've spent thus far)! Alright! What a great investment! And that's only in the case that we are "stealing" all the oil or money of Iraq, while as a matter of fact, all the money that oil yields is spent to provide food, medications and of course to pay salaries to the Iraqis.


The aims of the war were freeing the Iraqi people, eliminating saddam, fighting state sponsored terrorism and spreading freedom and democracy in the middle east. We're trying to turn Iraq into the jewel of the middle east.


Let's take a look at John Kerry's voting record, he claims he has a 'master' plan to fix everything. Let's take a long look at what history says that plan will be.


The Massachusetts senator voted against defense appropriations bills that included money for weapons such as the Patriot missile, the Tomahawk cruise missile and the B-2 stealth bomber — all of which military leaders say have become integral to the U.S. force and were crucial to winning the 1991 Gulf war and last year's war in Iraq.




Democrat from Massachusetts says he is strongest Presidential Candidate

on National Defense!

He said Check the Record.. We Did! Here is what we learned.



He voted to kill the Bradley Fighting Vehicle



He voted to kill the M-1 Abrams Tank



He voted to kill every Aircraft carrier laid down from 1988



He voted to kill the Aegis anti aircraft system

(used by the Navy to protect against ship killing missiles!!)



He voted to Kill the F-15 strike eagle (considered by everyone to be

the top aerial fighter in the sky today!)



He voted to Kill the Block of 60 F-16 Fighter aircraft



He voted to Kill the P-3 Orion upgrade (Submarine patrol aircraft--YES! some smaller countries now have subs!!)



He voted to Kill the B-1 Bomber (A staple in our bomber fleet along with the B-2)



He voted to Kill the B-2



He voted to Kill the Patriot anti Missile system



He voted to Kill the FA-18 (A top Navy fighter/attack aircraft!!)



He voted to Kill the F117!! (this is our night flying stealth bomber!!)



He voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons systems since 1988, INCLUDING a bill for battle armor for our troops!!!!!



It is most likely, if Sen. John Kerry is elected as President and Commander in Chief

of our Armed Services, that they will literally cease to function

making it impossible for our country to protect itself, let alone be able

to assist those who may truly need our help!!



John Kerry voted to kill all anti-terrorism activities of each and every agency

of the U.S. Government.



He voted to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%,



He voted to cut the funding for the CIA by 80%,



He voted to cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.




In short, he voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons systems since 1988 to include the battle armor for our troops. With Kerry as president our Army will be made up of naked men running around with sticks and clubs.


He also voted to kill all anti terrorism activities of every agency of the U.S.Government and to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%, to cut the funding for the CIA by 80%, and cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.


But then he voted to increase OUR funding for U.N operations by 800%!!!


Is THIS a President YOU want?


Okay, so you must very much enjoy your right-wing propaganda hey Neuron?


The real reason for the invasion of iraq WAS oil. Oil and every other industry Iraq had to offer. There are classified documents which have leaked out of the white house detailing the plans to privatise the whole of Iraq, in order to put the entire country in the hands of American businessmen. And the worst part about this? Those plans were made up in 2001, and that was a year before Bush had even mentioned going to war.


And of course the reason Osama Bin Laden hasn't been caught yey was that Osama Bin Laden is in fact the son of one of the Bush family's most generous campaign contributers and closest friends, Salem bin Landen. And there's ample evidence to support that a large proportion of al Qaeda's funding comes from Salem bin Laden and other Saudi Arabian royal family members.


This war was both an exercise in big business playing war (Ken Lay who heads Enron is in fact a long-standing friend of both George Sr and Junior, and all the companies that now have a hand in the very lucrative contract of rebuilding Iraq were major campaign donators to the Bush family) and a way to distract attention away from Osama bin Laden, and therefore so bush can keep toadying up to Salem bin Laden.


See what you seem to fail to understand is that sure this war is costing a fortune - but that money is coming from the taxpayers- ie you poor suckers. For big business involved in the reconstruction of the country, it's a wet dream - nothing but wall to wall profits. They in turn will keep bribing...erm making "campaign contributions" to Bush, and everybody wins.


Except the taxpayers.


And the 95% of the American public who aren't rich and therefore won't see a cent from Iraq.


And the soldiers.


And the people of Iraq.


And muslims in general who are being demonized.


And yes, your army is right now incredibly overstretched. Did you even read what I posted? People are being sent back to fight while wounded. People are being involuntarily sent back to fight even after they've served their tour. Pregnant women are being called up to active duty. It's madness.


And even if all your propaganda numbers were true, ask yourself, how many consecutive wars do you really think the US can be involved with simultaneously? Four more years of Bush would mean likely mean four more wars. Coupled with Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which require heavy commitments of soldiers already, how on earth do you think that you will be able to build up that sort of army without reintroducing conscription? At the very least, it would leave the home-front perilously undefended, meaning if you were invaded you'd be screwed.

Everything in my previous post counters the bullshit you provided.


You aren't American. Shut up and sit down.


Read harder. This war is all about big business making bucks, but the problem is the cannon fodder (american citizens) are wearing thin. Therefore conscription will have to be introduced so more of you blockheads can get shipped off to stand in front of rocket launchers so that big business can make more money, while they all the while have a warm glow inside because they believe in the president - that is until the rocket explodes and their insides get splattered all over the outside. One more victim of an unjust war so that big business can line their pockets over the suffering of common citizens.

Everything in my previous post counters the bullshit you provided.


You aren't American. Shut up and sit down.


Read harder. This war is all about big business making bucks, but the problem is the cannon fodder (american citizens) are wearing thin. Therefore conscription will have to be introduced so more of you blockheads can get shipped off to stand in front of rocket launchers so that big business can make more money, while they all the while have a warm glow inside because they believe in the president - that is until the rocket explodes and their insides get splattered all over the outside. One more victim of an unjust war so that big business can line their pockets over the suffering of common citizens.


You ignorant child.

The war is not about Oil, get it through your head.

Our (America's) GDP is almost 12 trillion dollars. You have to add the next six nations (Japan, UK, Germany, Italy, france and China) to roughly equal America's alone. What is Iraq's GDP? 18 billion. America produces that much (18 billion) every 14 hours! Our GDP is around 6,000 times the size of Iraq's. The coalition needs 4 billion per month for operations, supplies and reconstruction. According to the "No Oil For Blood" paranoid crowd, we'd therefore be spending 4 billion per month for 1.5 billion in oil. We've spent in excess of 300 billion dollars which would dictate we wait 15 years to get our money back (and thats just considering what we've spent thus far)! Alright! What a great investment! And that's only in the case that we are "stealing" all the oil or money of Iraq, while as a matter of fact, all the money that oil yields is spent to provide food, medications and of course to pay salaries to the Iraqis.
Posted (edited)

I've already told you, the costs of the iraq war come from the taxpayers, but the profits of invading, and much more importantly, reconstructing Iraq flow straight into the private sector - big business. They, in turn keep giving Bush kickbacks.

There's no money in the Iraq war for you. The taxpayer will never see any flowback or if they do it will be pitifuful compared to the amount of money it cost.

Edited by random guy

Facts no one knows.




Both Kerry and Edwards at first voted for the war on Iraq as they were given the exact same intel as President Bush. As time went on, they saw the oppotunity and switched to against it to one up some of the American people that disagreed with the war.


Not even 72 hours after Christopher Reeves died, the Democrats decided to use him in an attempt to win some voters. They said that Bush hasn't and never cared for Stem Cell Research. That Kerry does and if he wins then everyone with Paralysis, Diabetes, etc will instantly be cured. NEWS FLASH!! Bush has been the ONLY president to fund the Stem Cell Research. Clinton had banded it. Plus, there are yet any cures using Stem Cell Research.


That whole thing about the war being about oil is a big pile of Micheal Moore. Stop dramatizing life with bullsh!t.


You only know it's a lie if you know the truth. If you don't know the truth, then it's not a lie.


uh I had a sort of debate with my professor on it.. and one thing I know is that Bush is fuking stupid for going to war on Iraq...his first reason for going to the middle east was to get osams bin laden..and than came hussein and his "nuclear weapons".. bush sends troops over there, finds no weapons..puts the soldiers there so that the U.S> could reform the government..however in that process he gets many soldiers killed and also bringing those heartbreaking news to their families..


and about the oil thing.. most of the oil is in saudi arabia and we are friends with that country.. and also saudi arabians, osama bin laden is from that country. although majority of the terrorists are there, we cant do jackshiet about it because we get oil from them..and if we do something about it, they could cut off the oil supplies with the U.S. and make U.S. fall deep financially.. ( i believe we are in debt.., 3 trillion dollars?)


and so i dont really think it has anything to do with oil but i think what Bush is trying to do is to have a "pocket" in the middle east so that we would have an ally that is sort of like a backdoor countrY?.. in order to gain information about terrorists..and etc...

Facts no one knows.




Both Kerry and Edwards at first voted for the war on Iraq as they were given the exact same intel as President Bush. As time went on, they saw the oppotunity and switched to against it to one up some of the American people that disagreed with the war.


Not even 72 hours after Christopher Reeves died, the Democrats decided to use him in an attempt to win some voters. They said that Bush hasn't and never cared for Stem Cell Research. That Kerry does and if he wins then everyone with Paralysis, Diabetes, etc will instantly be cured. NEWS FLASH!! Bush has been the ONLY president to fund the Stem Cell Research. Clinton had banded it. Plus, there are yet any cures using Stem Cell Research.


That whole thing about the war being about oil is a big pile of Micheal Moore. Stop dramatizing life with bullsh!t.


You only know it's a lie if you know the truth. If you don't know the truth, then it's not a lie.


Initially, what was the point of the war, as stated by the president? To be liberaters and make the world a happier, cheerier place by killing a dictator? To be super nice guys to everyone in the world? No. "Weapons of Mass Destruction." Over and over, this was hammered into are heads, and people baught in. When none were found, however, what was the point of the war? To liberate. Beautiful juke move on that, Bush.


Now, after the war, who has benefited the most? The people of Iraq, those people that we decided to save out of the kindness of the administrations heart? Look at the numbers. 15,000+ Iraqi's killed. Halliburton is slaying there. Those Iraqis sure live in paradise now!


And now the world is a safer place. No more dictator that was mean. We will retire there, for, of course, we all know that North Korea, Iran, India, Pakistan, Russia are super nice guys too and will surely never try to hurt us, even though they have more weapons of mass destruction than 0.




NOTE: The sarcasm.

Plus, there are yet any cures using Stem Cell Research.


I agree with the rest of the stuff you said except this part. Well, there are no cures from Stem Cell yet but that's because it's a new realm of science. Traditional medicines take decades to make so we won't be seeing anything revolutionary out of Stem Cell for a long time.


Ok, that's all I'm going to say.


Enjoy your debate, no flaming please.

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