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Skythe, do you really think a christian fundamentalist would be in favour of stem-cell research? Because that is what bush is.


uh I had a sort of debate with my professor on it.. and one thing I know is that Bush is fuking stupid for going to war on Iraq...his first reason for going to the middle east was to get osams bin laden..and than came hussein and his "nuclear weapons".. bush sends troops over there, finds no weapons..puts the soldiers there so that the U.S> could reform the government..however in that process he gets many soldiers killed and also bringing those heartbreaking news to their families..


and about the oil thing.. most of the oil is in saudi arabia and we are friends with that country.. and also saudi arabians, osama bin laden is from that country. although majority of the terrorists are there, we cant do jackshiet about it because we get oil from them..and if we do something about it, they could cut off the oil supplies with the U.S. and make U.S. fall deep financially.. ( i believe we are in debt.., 3 trillion dollars?)


and so i dont really think it has anything to do with oil but i think what Bush is trying to do is to have a "pocket" in the middle east so that we would have an ally  that is sort of like a backdoor countrY?.. in order to gain information about terrorists..and etc...


No it really is about oil. The very reason that the US and other "friendly countries" are running out of oil and the fact that the US is becoming more and more dependent on the Saudis for oil was one of the driving reasons for the Iraq war. Bush wanted direct control of pipelines in the middle east, he was far too in debt with the Saudis to even think about trying to get his hands on some of that oil, so he cooks up some fake bullshit about WMDs in Iraq so he could get his hands on all the oil.

Edited by random guy
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You can run, but you can't hide


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"whoo!" thats a heated question.




as of this moment everything is focused on kerrys comment on dicks lesbianic daughter. So we can forget about the real issues and how poorly iraq is runned by the bush administration

Well, there are no cures from Stem Cell yet but that's because it's a new realm of science.


That's why I said there aren't any yet not that there won't be.


Skythe, do you really think a christian fundamentalist would be in favour of stem-cell research? Because that is what bush is.


Doesn't matter how stereotypical you want to look at it, Bush is the only president that has funded the research. BTW, the same point you tried to make could be made towards Kerry. A Catholic for abortion. Also note that Kerry did say he has strong Catholic beliefs. Apparently not that strong.





Oh yeah. It has been announced some days ago that there are some key items in the nuclear power plants in Iraq, that can be used for nuclear weaponry, noted missing.


There's no conspiracy with Haliburton either. That should end too.

Well, there are no cures from Stem Cell yet but that's because it's a new realm of science.


That's why I said there aren't any yet not that there won't be.


Skythe, do you really think a christian fundamentalist would be in favour of stem-cell research? Because that is what bush is.


Doesn't matter how stereotypical you want to look at it, Bush is the only president that has funded the research. BTW, the same point you tried to make could be made towards Kerry. A Catholic for abortion. Also note that Kerry did say he has strong Catholic beliefs. Apparently not that strong.





Oh yeah. It has been announced some days ago that there are some key items in the nuclear power plants in Iraq, that can be used for nuclear weaponry, noted missing.


There's no conspiracy with Haliburton either. That should end too.


Yes ive heard the reports too, and even if they were true it doesn't change a thing. Iraq still had no WMDs before the invasion, and is it really any wonder that the way Iraq is being "run" at the moment breeds anti-American sentiment (so ultimately, perhaps, terrorism).

And yes there was a conspiracy with Haliburton, and a number of other countries, to divide up Iraq into American run companies, a year before Bush even started talking about Iraq.


It saves me time from writing something long since you don't care to pay attention.

In reality John Kerry keeps saying he has a plan. Please ignore that he hasn't said what his plan is, other than he has one, or that the only senaters/representatives that actually support it are democrats.

Ugh. Do you even know WHY he two democrats proposed the bill? Because they KNEW it would get shot down, and now there's a better chance that it won't be proposed again, since it has already been voted on.

It saves me time from writing something long since you don't care to pay attention.

You mean because I'm right, so can easily counter anything you say


Because you're ignorant and don't bother to account for what you don't know. You aren't even in America, yet you bother to open your mouth and prove how ignorant you really are.


Ugh. Do you even know WHY he two democrats proposed the bill? Because they KNEW it would get shot down, and now there's a better chance that it won't be proposed again, since it has already been voted on.


About that, yes. S-89 was sponsored by Fritz Hollings and HR-163 was sponsored by Charlie Rangle, both democrats.

Now look at the sponsors of HR-163:

Rep Abercrombie, Neil

Rep Brown, Corrine

Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy

Rep Conyers, John, Jr.

Rep Cummings, Elijah E.

Rep Hastings, Alcee L.

Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila

Rep Lewis, John

Rep McDermott, Jim

Rep Moran, James P.

Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes

Rep Stark, Fortney Pete

Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. -

Everyone of them is also a democrat and all are members of the (racist) Congressional Black Caucus.

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