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It's all about what you're doing and where.


This is kinda long.


The Act of Insertion

If the man is ready (same vice-versa) 1/4 calories

If the woman is not (same vice-versa) 274 calories


Satisfying Partner (organ size)

Most experts agree that size means nothing. Shape is what counts, and the man with a shaped organ can write his own ticket. In those rare instances where a man has a genuinely small member, he may have to compensate by working slightly harder, but this is good for weight loss. A man with a really large organ, while he might not have to work as hard once inside, may exhaust himself just trying to convince his partner to let him put it inside.


Normal size 22 calories

Oversize 15 calories

Tremendous 8 calories

Teensy-weensy 163 calories



Man on top, woman on bottom (facing each other) 20 calories

Woman on top, man on bottom

(Many women find that in addition to its inherent sexual possibilities, this position affords a better view of the clock.) 25 calories

From the rear (Mysterious variation) 40 1/2 calories

Standing: Both partners of equal height 18 calories

Standing: Woman 1 foot taller than a man 90 calories

While in traction

(very useful during ski season) 124 calories



On a bar stool 20 calories

Rear of a Honda Civic 38 calories

In a phone booth, standing 14 calories

In a phone booth, lying down 274 calories

On an airliner, aisle seat 24 calories

On an airliner, middle seat 42 calories

On an airliner, window seat 30 calories

On an airliner, in the lavatory 100 calories


Possible Side Effects of Intercourse

Bouncing 7 calories

Sliding around 9 calories

Serious Skidding 12 calories

Full cartwheel 20 calories

Whiplash 27 calories

Knee burn 6 calories

Chafed elbows 5 calories

Chafed nose 11 calories


Sex Related Noises

Short gasps (per gasp) 3 calories

Wheezing 5 calories

Squeals 4 calories

Ecstatic moaning 11 calories

Low growling 8 calories

Squishing 10 calories

Shouting 16 calories

Screaming 18 calories

Urgent begging 22 calories

Any short speech giving partner directions

("Please don't stop," "Faster," "Just a little more" are common examples.) 25 calories


Approaching Orgasm

Letting go 5.5 calories

Controlling yourself 79 calories

Digging nails into your partner's back 11 calories

Trembling 15 calories

Shaking 20 calories

Shuddering 25 calories

Trying to keep eyes open 33 calories



Real 27 calories

Faked 160 calories


Orgasmic Intensity Scale

Expression didn't change 1/2 calorie

Face turned purple 15 calories

Orchestra swelled 6 calories

Magical explosions 10 calories

Blazing Sheets 25 calories

Earth moved 30 calories

Vesuvius erupted 47 calories

You began moaning in Latin 60 calories


Pulling Out

After orgasm 1/4 calorie

A few moments before orgasm 500 calories


Read the rest here.

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Point goes to Neuron Master for the most in-depth explanation on sex aerobics ever!


Next, I must have...the "Lord of the Dance".


Hahah, finally I might have beat Mr. G... If not, then we're up-to-par at least.


Agozer gets the point on this one. It was a tough choice though...


Oi, next one.


First one to get me the names, and pictures, of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse gets 3 points.


The Klaw is just sweeping the competition!


Klaw gets 3 points from this one. Only.5 more for the win.


Next, and possibly last, challenge. Find my pants! I swear I was wearing them when I left my house last night...


I'll start a new contest after someone reaches 10. Once we've got four winners I'll hold some kind of tournament. If anyone's interested of course.

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